Multi-Generational Ministries
Our children's ministry begins at birth in our Nursery department and extends through the 5th Grade. We have Sunday school groups on Sunday mornings at 10:00AM and Mission Friends, RAs, and GAs, on Wednesday evenings at 6:30PM. We also have various children's events throughout the year, including summer camp.
We are grateful for each parent who values the role a children's ministry has in their child's life. We make faith formation our single priority. Our hope is that each child walks into our doors feeling welcomed and a strong sense of God's love and leaves eager to tell someone what they've just learned.
Our youth ministry begins at 6th grade and extends through 12th grade. We have three weekly gatherings; Wednesday evening at 6:30PM, Sunday morning at 10:00AM (Middle School/High School), and Sunday evening at 6:30PM.
We are always eager to have guests and always strive to meet our community vision emphasis; Learn, Belong, Serve. This emphasis helps us stay focused on 1. learning all we can about who God is and who God is calling us to be, 2. being welcoming, loving, caring, and kind toward one another, and 3. joining God at work in our world.
Our senior adult ministry is already active in so many mission and ministry areas spread through the church at large. Our seniors are also "On The Go" and we invite you to join us on our next adventure. It might be a quick trip around the corner, a day trip across the state, or an overnight trip out of town. Regardless, you're invited!
Our Young Adult group encompasses a vast age and meets weekly in Sunday school at 10:00AM. This group also has other events throughout the year and partner events with the #gpbckids ministry.